Digital production, visual effects and computer graphics blog
Grimoires were wizard’s diaries: collections of spells, experiments and researches. Blogs, really. Here, you will find ideas, short tutorials, and the latest news
Baffled by the linear exposure control found in After Effects? Here you'll find a very simple tonemapping filter, that applies the well known Reinhard tone mapping curve.
T-Splines is a powerful subdivision surface plugin for the popular Rhino Nurbs modeler. Autodesk has just acquired this technology.
ViewConference, held in Turn, Italy is a fast growing international computer graphics conference. Most of the lectures are in english and this 12th edition has some exciting world's premieres.
This is an early preview of some code based on statistical variance for glossy reflections - in layman's terms: faster reflection blur
An Adaptive Skin tip for zBrush 3.5
By Daniele Angelozzi
A quick tip about Adaptive Skin in zBrush 3.5. Go figure: this is a tip about something's tip.
After Effects' audio waveform display seems always too small to understand what's going on. But a better display is just a click away!
A lot of video production is done with Canon's DSLRs. Would be nice to be able to capture uncompressed 4:2:2 from the HDMI port, but there's no way to turn off the focusing rectangle. Let's work around the issue.
If Garageband does not play well with a virtual instrument, there may be an easy solution
Open GL crash on Acer 5920G
By Susanna Quagliariello
If your application crashes when starting the OpenGL library, the solution may be easy
How NOT to make a Demo Reel
By Susanna Quagliariello
Ever wondered what makes or breaks a demo reel? More often than not the devil is in the details
Star Oohs - Make Virtual Choirs Sound Better
By Susanna Quagliariello
Make virtual instruments sound more realistic: voices and choruses in lower end virtual instrument collections
Pal video shot progressive and compressed in DV or MPG produces nasty artifacts: these formats expect the data to be interlaced, not progressive.
In framing for video as well as for 3D graphics, the picture margins play an important role
How bright should a light be? Is 100% a sun or a streetlamp? Biased render engines can produce stunning results, but also be confusing sometimes.
Put Black on your Black List
By Massimiliano Marras
Black is classy, right? Right. But it's also evil, and will ruin your renders.
If you are still running a 32bit operating system, 3D graphics and compositing applications will greatly benefit from a little known feature in Windows Vista: ReadyBoost.